Access Consciousness® & The Bars
The Bars® are the core, and foundation of Access Consciousness®.
It can be the starting point of a great adventure and it can be something you add to your life that will assist you in creating a greater ease with everything.
What is Access The Bars®?
Access Bars® are the core, and foundation of Access Consciousness®. It is a one-on-one gentle technique which induces a state of deep relaxation that activates self-healing and opens a space of awareness in our bodies.
In combination with this energy work in the form of body processes, a philosophy that introduces the idea of living without judgement and to be open to posibilities that empower you to create change in many areas of your life. It is not Reiki, nor a spritual or religious organisation.
People often ask where Access Bars comes from. They first came into the world in the 1990s and there’s more about the very beginnings in this blog post HERE
Gary M. Douglas, Founder of Access Consciousness®
Gary Douglas pioneered a set of transformational life changing tools and processes known as Access Consciousness® over 30 years ago. Read more >
How does it work?
An Access Bars® Session is a non-invasive energy modality that uses a set of points on the head which, when lightly touched, are said to stimulate positive change in the brain, release physical and mental blocks stored in the body, empower you to create change in your life, and help facilitate greater ease in all different areas of life.
Access Consciousness is based on the idea that you're not wrong, that you know, and that consciousness can shift anything. Many modalities clear the limitations built around words, Access clears the energy underneath the words. To learn more about how Access works, go here.
Experience the Bars®
The effects of a Bars session vary from one person to the next. The most commonly reported effects of the treatment are an increased sense of peace and ease, being less reactive to stressful situations, more restful and deeper sleep, feeling that emotional clutter is cleared, more clarity and motivation in life, and easier changes...
Access Bars® have helped thousands of people change many aspects of their bodies and their lives, including sleep, health, weight, money, sexuality, relationships, neuroses, addictions, intrusive thoughts, depressions, stress and much more.
When receiving a Bars Session, you can be sitting or lying down (fully clothed) and it’s your opportunity to really melt into this wonderful experience and simply relax and receive. No special equipment or environment is needed.
There are so many different areas that Access Bars can create change, depression, stress & anxiety, including reducing pain in the body, changing things that were previously considered to be unchangeable.
Other tools which work around the Bars include
Questions, Choice, Possibilities, Contribution
During an Access Consciousness Bars® class you spend 7-8 hours learning The Bars.
You will gift and receive bars twice during this day and leave this class a “Bars practitioner"; able to do sessions on family, friends and clients.
Children age 15 and under attend for free (with paying adult), ages 16, 17 and 18 years old pay half price.
Contact me to get onto the list for the next Bars® class I run.
Learn How to Run Access Bars®
To learn how to run Access Bars, it's best to take a live class. In the last 10 years since Access Consciousness® has gained global popularity it has reached tens of thousands of people in over 100 countries around the world!
There are thousands of people worldwide in over 173 countries who are now making a living out of offering private Access Bars sessions and teaching Access Bars classes. Some are massage therapists, body work specialists, or energy workers who have added this process into their practice.
But even if you NEVER have any plans to start a Bars business or earn any income with this new skill... when you run Access Bars, it can still be one of the most kind and loving things you could ever gift YOU, to your friends and loved ones in your life.
Also, you don't need a massage table to do this, if you can both get comfortable, go for it... just don't forget the pillows!
Try an Access Session now
Access Body Process®
An Access Consciousness Body Process is a hands-on method that uses different hand placements on various positions on the body while asking specific energies to run at each spot. These processes facilitate the body back to its original functions, which assist with the repair and longevity of the body.
There are over 70 different energy body processes that allow your body to relax, receive and release the accumulated psycho-physical stress. At the same time, these processes assist in renewing and reactivating your own suppressed capacities for healing and changing.
This question alone starts to unlock bodies from limiting patterns.
Access Bars®
Access Bars® is a one-on-one gentle therapeutic technique that induces a state of deep relaxation that activates self-healing and opens a space of awareness in our bodies.
The effects of a Bars session vary from one person to the next. Among the most commonly reported effects of the therapy are an increased sense of peace and ease, being less reactive to stressful situations, more restful and deeper sleep, feeling that emotional clutter is cleared, more clarity and motivation in life, and easier changes...